Industry Insight – The Mariner’s Mariner – Captain David (Duke) Snider
PDF Document: BCSN-Mar16-Snider
BC Shipping News interviews Captain David (Duke) Snider in the March 2016 issue. “With over 35 years of a career at sea, Captain Snider is the mariner other mariners seek out for advice, leadership and guidance.”
Captain Snider, Principal Consultant
Captain David (Duke) Snider, MM, BMS, FNI, FRGS
Captain Snider is the CEO and Principal Consultant of Martech Polar Consulting, Ltd. He is a Master Mariner and with 40 years at sea, operating vessels in a variety of ice regimes in the Arctic, Antarctic, Baltic, Great Lakes and Eastern North American waters. He also has extensive tenure onboard coastal and offshore research vessels as Chief Officer and Master. He retired from Canadian Coast Guard service as Regional Director Fleet Western Region in 2012.
Reach Us
World-wide ice pilotage and navigation services
Martech Polar Consulting Ltd.
563 Caselton Place
Victoria, BC Canada V8Z 7Y5
1 (250) 479-4745
1 (250) 216-0906