Ice Navigation RV Mirai Arctic Deployment 2013 #12

Ice Navigation RV Mirai Arctic Deployment 2013 #12

According to the vessel owners Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), RV Mirai is “the world’s largest oceanographic vessel that can conduct large area and long duration observations”.  At 10,727t displacement and 130m in length, she is...
Ice Navigation RV Mirai Arctic Deployment 2013 #11

Ice Navigation RV Mirai Arctic Deployment 2013 #11

RV Mirai is now well south of the ice edge and has taken up station at 72º45’N 168º15’W for approximately two weeks of concentration observations below and above the surface.  One of the research points of focus on this Fixed Point observation series is Senior...

Ice Navigation RV Mirai Arctic Deployment 2013 #10

While transiting south on 10 September, we passed through 20 miles of old and thick first year iceI in what to date has been our closest encounter with ice.  This was not unexpected but, just as the approach to the pack ice edge several days ago clearly showed...

Ice Navigation RV Mirai Arctic Deployment 2013 #9

After completing work along the Alaskan coast for the first week of this cruise RV Mirai turned north to challenge the ice edge.  Up till now the polar pack has remained resolutely closer to shore than previous years, but in the last few days has retreated...
Ice Navigation RV Mirai Arctic Deployment 2013 #8

Ice Navigation RV Mirai Arctic Deployment 2013 #8

The final two days in the vicinity of Point Barrow have been about moorings.  Three sub-surface moorings are placed along the Barrow Canyon from about 26nm offshore in the north westerly line.  BCE, BCC and BCW are in place to monitor variations of...