The Polar Blog

RV Mirai Arctic Mission 2014 Post #6 – Arctic Science Continues
We are just past the mid point in RV Mirai’s 2104 Arctic research voyage. As of noon today 127 standard radiosondes have been launched since we departed Dutch Harbor on the 30th of August. Seven of those also carried ozone sensors and another seven...

RV Mirai Arctic Mission 2014 Post #5 – Weather Station Mirai
In my first blog from RV Mirai during the 2014 voyage I wrote of the primary mission: the coordinated collection of meteorological observations from an international fleet of Arctic research ships and a number of Arctic shore observation stations. We are now well...

RV Mirai Arctic Mission 2014 Post #4 – Ignore the ice at your own peril
Though RV Mirai is presently working an ice-free area of the Chukchi Sea, an area selected for just that reason, it is readily apparent that all around us ice continues to be a challenge to Arctic shipping. In the central Canadian Arctic the Northwest Passage has...

RV Mirai Arctic Mission 2014 Post #3 – Is Anyone Out There?
In this modern world of instant communications, cloud computing and Google answers to any question within a second, we find ourselves almost lost when part of the network fails us. We take for granted the ability to connect, to converse, to problem solve, to be aware...

RV Mirai Arctic Mission 2014 Post #2 – An Accidental Medevac?
We had only just begun our research in the Bering Strait and into the Chukchi Sea Wednesday when word came up from the Chief Scientist that one of the researchers was suffering severe lower back pain. After consultations it was decided that we should divert from...
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Victoria, BC Canada V8Z 7Y5
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