The Polar Blog

RV Mirai Arctic Mission 2014 Post #1 – Departure From Dutch Harbor
Japanese research vessel RV Mirai departed Dutch Harbor northbound for her annual Arctic research mission 31 September. I am onboard once again as Ice Navigator to provide Captain Kan Matsuura and Chief Scientist Jun Inoue support in operating in and near...

Canadian Guardians at the North Pole and Other Arctic Musings
I am in Dutch Harbor, AK as I write this, awaiting arrival of the research ship RV Mirai to board as Ice Navigator for another voyage of research in the Arctic Ocean. We will depart for the Chukchi Sea the morning of the 31st of October on a mission primarily...

Demand for Ice Navigators will increase as Yamal Arctic LNG exports go online
For many months now, those of us with interests in Polar shipping have been awaiting the news on the selection of shippers and exporters for Russia’s ambitious Yamal LNG project. On 15 July the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced Russia had granted LNG...

IMO and the Polar Code 2014 – SDC 1 Update
It feels a tad ironic that I left London behind this morning clear and crisp and now sit in Vancouver, heavily shrouded in fog. Sherlock Holmes would love it that irony. The only fog I saw in London this past week was the fog of fatigue from the delegates...

IMO and the Polar Code 2014 – Slow Progress
It is nearing the end of day two at IMO. As is normal for this organization, sessions are usually marathon runs, as committees, sub-committees and working groups attempt to meet their various goals and remits. Regardless of some press that has come...
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Martech Polar Consulting Ltd.
563 Caselton Place
Victoria, BC Canada V8Z 7Y5
1 (250) 479-4745
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