The Polar Blog

Ice Navigation RV Mirai – Arctic Deployment 2013 – #2
Since departure the ship has been cruising steadily north at 12kts. Weather has been typical overcast, winds N/NW 15 to 20 kts until late on the 29th when winds and seas began to moderate. That makes it better for the science crews to set up for the busy...

Ice Navigation RV Mirai Arctic Deployment 2013 #1
Though I am starting this log the day RV Mirai departed Dutch Harbor, Alaska for a 6 week science mission in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, it really began the day I left my home port of Victoria on the 22nd. Not a problem flying from Victoria to Anchorage. I stopped...
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Martech Polar Consulting Ltd.
563 Caselton Place
Victoria, BC Canada V8Z 7Y5
1 (250) 479-4745
1 (250) 216-0906